Category: Buying without an agent

Sep 27
The brand new Immogo site is still being refined

I recently had Immogo moved from a custom software system to the open source WordPress…

Mar 09
Self-assessing the value of a house

On these sites, buyers and sellers can see for themselves what a house is roughly…

Jul 26
Looking for property for sale in France? Here are Seven Ways to Save!

If you are searching for property for sale in France, it is a good idea to also think…

Nov 18
Immogo, the specialist in real estate communication

Selling a house is an art in itself. An important part of the job is real estate…

Sep 09
Move to France – Cash in and check out… British are crossing the Channel

Move to France and live like a Burgundian… now this might be possible even with…

Jul 31
Selling a property in France. What do the notary and the broker cost, and who pays whom?

If you are selling a property in France, the notary costs will be charged to the…

Feb 20
Buying a house in France with or without real estate agent? An analysis.

Are you buying a house in France, where real estate agents easily charge 5% and…